VP U Myint Swe speech in second Myanmar-EU Economic Forum

VP U Myint Swe speech in second Myanmar-EU Economic Forum

Vice President U Myint Swe delivered the opening address at the 2nd Myanmar-EU Economic Forum held at the Hotel Kempinski in Nay Pyi Taw on 6 June, 2018. In his speech, he addresses macroeconomic overview of Myanmar. He mentioned that New Myanmar Investment Law, creates a more transparent environment with reduced restrictions and increased safety and guarantees for investos. Likewise, the new Comapny Act will make company registration easier with electronic registration. The new Comapny Act will take effect on 1 August 2018. Investments from EU countries in Myanmar reached US$ 6.6 billion as of April 2018 and make up 8.68 percent of all foreign direct investments in Myanmr. There are 300 registered EU companies in Myanmar. The Vice President encouraged EU countries to increase businesses and investments in Myanmar and said the forum promotes bilateral trade relations between the EU and Myanmar.

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar

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