Korea-Myanmar friendship bridge (Dala) project to start construction work

Korea-Myanmar friendship bridge (Dala) project to start construction work

Korea-Myanmar friendship bridge (Dala Bridge) is now being redesigned to meet bridge clearance criteria and expected to start construction work at the end of this year. It will link Phone Gyi Street in Lanmadaw township on Yangon side to Bo Min Young Street on the other side of the river (Dala Township).
The Myanmar Port Authority (MPA) negotiated with the Ministry of Construction over the new design of the Bridge to alter the clearance 54 meters instead of 49 and to place the bridge’s two piers closer to each shore, aiming for ships to pass easily under the bridge.
The Bridge is estimated to cost $168.173 million and the Korea Economic Development Cooperation Fund will provide EDCF loan of $137.833 million. It will take 5 years to complete construction work and maximum allowable vehicle weight for this bridge is 75 tons.

Source: Myanma Alinn

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