FDI hits as low as US$ 394 mil in first quarter of 2018-2019 FY

FDI hits as low as US$ 394 mil in first quarter of 2018-2019 FY

The amount of FDIs hit $ 394.87 million in this 1st Quarter of 2018. This amount is almost $1 billion lower compared to the 1st quarter of 2017-2018 FY.

Between 1 April and 30 June of 2018, MIC has approved 26 enterprises to invest in the country. The agriculture sector received one foreign investment with a capital of $5.6 million. The real estate sector also attracted one investment worth $2.8 million. Similarly, the hotels and tourism sector attained one FDI of $9.26 million. Over $88.9 million FDIs were flowed into other services.

By means of country, Japan stands 1st position in the list with the largest investment of $85 million, followed by China and the United States. Similarly, Hong Kong, India, South Korea, Singapore, Viet Nam and the United States made investments over the past three months.

Source: DICA

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