MNA suffers over Ks-18 billion in loss in three years

MNA suffers over Ks-18 billion in loss in three years

Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) suffers a loss of over Ks-18 billion during three fiscal years after the transformation into the company, according the report by the Joint Public Account Committee findings on the Union Auditor-General’s finding report and comment for 2016-2017 FY.

The MNA, which started its operations outside of the Union fund since 2013-2014 FY, has to take over the Myanmar Airways’ money as well as moveable and immoveable properties and salaries of retired staffs that moved to other departments. There was a loss of Ks-8.962 billion in 2015-2016 FY, Ks-5.695 billion in 2016-2017 FY and Ks-3.401 billion in 2017-2018 FY.

The MNA still suffer losses but the rate of losses are declining. Currently, the MNA is offering domestic flight services to 27 towns and oversea flight schedules by 15 flights. According to CEO Capt. Than Tun, MNA has to pay over US$ 4.3 mil a month for aircraft rental fees and instalment payment. If the state invests to buy aircrafts, loss will be reduced and MNA would support state budget. MNA currently stands third position in highest occupancy rate airlines among 28 airlines which operate in Myanmar.

Source: Daily Eleven

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