President U Win Myint delivers speech at ACMECS CEO forum

President U Win Myint delivers speech at ACMECS CEO forum

President U Win Myint delivered an address at the Ayeyawady- Chao Phraya- Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy-ACMECS CEO Forum, which was held under the theme “Connecting our Future: Enhancing ACMECS Cooperation and Integration”, at the Shangrila Hotel in Bangkok on 16th June.
The opening of the forum was attended by Prime Minister of Thailand General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Rtd), Prime Minister of Cambodia Samdech Hun Sen, the deputy prime minister of Thailand, ministers, deputy ministers and officials from Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia, CEOs of ACMECS member counries and business representatives.
Myanmar was focusing its efforts on doubling the production of electric energy as well as on speeding up the development of multi-modal transport infrastructures which would connect the missing links along the regional economic corridors.

He expressed agricultural development of ACMECS countries should be empowered by sharing best agricultural practices, experiences, technological know-how and market information and emphasize on development of green and responsible toruism in aCMECS countries with “Five Countries, One Destination” concept.
He also addressed that hardware infrastructure, software connectivity and human resources development, which hare the main pillars of the ACMECS Master Plan 2019-2023, were in line with Myanmar’s priorities and needs.
Ayeyawady- Chao Phraya- Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS) is a political, economic, and cultural organization amnong Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar which was initiated in Bangkok April 2003 and the leaders adopted the strategy in Bagan Declaration in Myanmar in November 2003.

Source: Global New Light of Myanmar

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