Taungthaman Thitsar resort project to be resumed

Taungthaman Thitsar resort project to be resumed

The Taungthaman Thitsar resort project, which is near popular Taungthaman Lake and U Bein Bridge in Amarapura Township of Mandalay city, will resume with the permission of Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC). It will be developed by Taungthaman Thitsar Company and take around five years to complete. Currently, a feasibility study is being carried out and permission to begin construction has been submitted to the Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC).

The resort project, which will include a Myanmar cultural heritage exhibition, Myanmar traditional handicraft shops and a recreational park, will be developed on 40 acres of land near Taungthaman, Nwar Noe Taw Su, Tae Nant Thar and Ywar Thit villages. The permitted building height is 40 feet. According to Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Mandalay Chief Minister, building which were higher than the limit will need to be demolished.

Source: Myanmar Times

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