Two companies picked to build new Mandalay market
Two companies have been chosen to build a new Mingalar Market to replace the one that burnt down in March 2016 in Mandalay city, and construction work is expected to begin at the original site this year, according to the Mandalay City Development Committee.
The MCDC’s Tender Analysing Team chose Capital Development Ltd and Mandalar Consortium Co Ltd to carry out the joint venture, and it is forming a committee to select a suitable design, said U Kyaw San Myint.
“The committee was formed with 13 members chosen from municipal, general administration, fire brigade and market affairs officials. Their first meeting was held on April 4, at which they decided to set a date and seek a suitable design to meet international standards. Work is expected to be started this year,” he said.
However, vendors at the market said at a press conference on April 5 that the new design of the market – which was shown at the meeting of MPs, head of the MCDC’s Markets Department, and Market Affairs Committee at the regional government office on February 10 – totally contradicts the promises that the regional government made to the sellers.
A fire broke out at Mingalar Market in the downtown area at the corner of 73rd and 30th streets on the evening of March 22, 2016. The blaze destroyed 297 shops, including showrooms, garment shops and shops where people also lived. The public still has not been told the cause of the fire.
Source: Myanmar Times
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