UMFCCI to report suggestions from 2nd B4B Insights Forum to government

UMFCCI to report suggestions from 2nd B4B Insights Forum to government

A two-day 2nd B4B Insights Forum hosted by UMFCCI held on 25 and 26 August discussed matters from various sectors; tourism, logistic service, industrial enterprises, motor vehicle business, food chain, garment business on Cutting-Making and Packaging basis, power supply and distribution, health, information technology, exchange rate. Additionally, experts also discussed existing laws, by-laws and policies. Forum mainly highlights on current economic climate and meeting outcome is aimed to bring about benefits for both public and private sector.

Moreover, the findings of Myanmar Business Sentiment Survey jointly conducted by Private Sector Development Committee, Myanmar Marketing Research and Development Limited (MMRD) and UMFCCI were also explained by U Moe Kyaw, chairman of MMRD at the 2nd B4B Insights Forum. This year, 2nd Quarter Business Sentiment Survey was collected from a total of 2,535 businessmen. Those enterprises which answered the survey are engaged in manufacturing, service and export/import sectors.

Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) will also submit the suggestions report resulted from the 2nd Quarter B4B Insights Forum to the government, according to UMFCCI.

Source: Global New Light of Myanmar

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