Myanmar-Thailand border trade reaches over $3.14 bln in 2018-2019 FY

Myanmar-Thailand border trade reaches over $3.14 bln in 2018-2019 FY

Image result for fish market MyanmarBorder trade between Myanmar and neighboring Thailand reached over US$ 3.14 billion as of 28 June in 2018-2019 fiscal year (FY) which started in October, according to the official weekly statistical report of the Ministry of Commerce.

The value of export between two countries hit $2.25 billion, while its import reached $ 889 million as of 28 June in this FY. The country mainly conducts border trade with Thailand through seven border checkpoints, Tachilek, Myawady, Kawthoung, Myeik, Hteekhee, Mawtaung and Maese gates.

From 1 October to 28 June this year, Hteekhee border gate topped with most bilateral border trade value of $ 1.97 billion, followed by Myawady with $ 708 million and Myeik with $194 million. Myanmar primarily exports fishery products such as crab, fish and shrimp, as well as onions, sesame, dry tea leaves, coconut and turmeric, while consumer goods, cosmetic machinery, food products, while agricultural equipment and track cars are imported into the country from Thailand.

Source: Global New Light of Myanmar 

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