Myanmar is using the open door policy which started the reform process and the speed of economic development gradually grew up since U Thein Sein’s administration. Reform process with international assistance, the influx of international investment and the economic growth rate improve to 8.4 percent on 2013. The economic growth rate has gradually declined by the facts that the local flooding incidents, Election period and election monitoring conditions and policy changes of NLD government. The current economic situation of Myanmar being affected by international pressure because of Rakhine struggles. Despite these conditions, Myanmar Times has extracted the five economic sectors that are promising to develop in coming years as follows.
Growth momentum in the telecom sector
Local technological businessmen and telecommunication officials said that the country’s telecom sector will develop more with both domestic and foreign investments in 2019. The current usage percentage of mobile phone and internet equals to other Southeast Asian countries according to technological survey issued by Ericsson Company. According to 2016-17 fiscal year’s statement of Post and Telecommunications Department, the number of local mobile phone users grew up to 56.8 million in 2017-18 from 56.3 million. Four telecommunication operators already sold more quantities of mobile phone sim cards than the total population of whole Myanmar country which is 54 million, according to surveys. Due to an increase in the number of operators in Myanmar and the abundant of internet service providers, the domestic telecom sector will continue rising with new investments in 2019, said by local business entrepreneurs.
Potential oil and gas sector
After approving the conditions of oil and gas can be commercially produced by offshore blocks, the foreign investments may be improve in coming year said chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission at Union Parliament Meeting held at the end of August. In addition, Ministry of Electricity and Energy will invite international tender for oil and gas blocks, total 31 blocks of off-shore and inshore tender in early 2019 and it will be regarded as improvement of foreign investment.
One hundred percent foreign investment in education are expected expansion
On last April, the government’s educational services sector allowed one hundred percent foreign investment in education. After that, the educational services of Singapore, Australia and New Zealand countries increase interest in investing of the education of Burma. As the government allowed foreign investment in educational field, there are already a market that need a high education. On Oxford Business Group Education services report, the government of United States regarded as Burma’s education is the most likely sector to invest in.
The service will be continued to improve banking
Banking sector is also the one that will be improve in 2019. Mainly in the banking infrastructure such as Card Payment System, Mobile Banking Payment and the latest technology called Mobile Wallet are progress in improving. As far as the banking infrastructures improve, the users of these services follows.
Allowed foreign retailers
The retail sector expected to be better part in coming two years, said component members from Myanmar Retailers Association. Ministry of Commerce already approved one hundred percent in the cooperation of wholesale and retail operations with foreign investments and local companies in early of this year. At present, the most developing area of wholesale and retail business sector in the country are leading by Yangon, Mandalay as the second, Magway in Third and Shan State as the last.
Source: Myanmar Times