Customized Research
Market Overview
We assist our clients in overcoming the lack of reliable and up-to-date information about Myanmar’s business environment. Our team provides assessments of the present state and future prospects for various industries and key players. We also deliver analyses of market segments, their sizes and growth potentials.
Market Entry Analysis
At Business Insight, we help take our clients? projects off the ground. We assist with decision-making in market entry strategy by providing market, competitor, channel and customer analyses, as well as forecasts based on market overview studies.
Feasibility Studies
We help our clients assess the financial and market feasibility of their projects. We identify potential obstacles to finding business partners, locating sites to build a factory or estimating costs and revenue of setting up and maintaining business in Myanmar, and propose short-term as well as long-term solutions.
Survey Panel Building & Maintenance
We help our clients monitor industries across Myanmar. Our team provides advance insights into the private sector by putting together survey panels, monitoring and maintaining the panel over time and tracking different variables.
Policy Research
We undertake research on development and policy issues, contributing to decision-making on a number of policy areas in the country. International organizations have used our research to provide governments and trade bodies with policy recommendations.
Event & meeting organization
Our team helps clients to overcome obstacles and save time by leveraging our local networks and experience. We organize customized seminars, workshops, conferences, business matching sessions and field trips on their behalf. We also assist in obtaining the required authorizations and facilitate meetings with government bodies.

Study of the Belt and Road Initiative (National Assessment Report: Myanmar)2018

Study Report – Study of Pharmaceutical Market in Myanmar

Study Report - Study of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Market in Myanmar 2014

Study Report – Study of Coating Market in Myanmar, 2019

Study Report - Market Overview of Rapid Test Kits in Selected Townships 2018

Study Report - Study of Study of Car Battery in Yangon 2018

Study of Economic Corridor in Myanmar, ADB, 2017

Garment Workers in PERI urban areas, Yangon, Myanmar 2018

Market study of Blood Pressure Monitor (BPM) & BGM Blood Glucose Monitor (BGM) in Myanmar - 2016

Study of Market Potential of Adaptive Learning Software for K-12 students in Yangon - 2018

Study Report - Market Analysis of Switchgear in Myanmar – 2014/2019

Consumer Usage & Perception on International School Services and Boarding Services - 2018

Study Report - Study of Myanmar Cold Chain Sector - 2018

Study Report - Study of Finance and Microfinance Sector - 2016

Study Report - Study of LPG Market in Myanmar - 2018

Study Report - Study of LPG Market in Myanmar - 2019

Study Report - Study of Health Tourism in Myanmar - 2012

Study Report - Study on Myanmar Energy Mix (especially Focused on Power Sector) - 2016

Study Report - Study of Fuel Market (Gasoline and Diesel) in Myanmar - 2016

Study Report - Study of Fuel Consumption of Business Sector in Myanmar - 2014

Study Report - Demand Analysis on Complex Project in Mandalay–2018

The Data Collection Survey Assistance for Development Planning in Taninthayi Region and Dawei SEZ

Feasibility of Construction Equipment Rental Business in Myanmar

Study of Consumer Perception and Attitude on Commercial Complex in Mandalay

Myanmar: Analysis of Farm Production Economics

Kayah Investment Opportunity Survey

Kayin Investment Fair

Study of Cement Market

Study of the Water piping and fitting systems

Purchasing Managers' Index

Study of Truck Market

Tractor & Harvestor Market Study

Study on Finance and Microfinance Sector










Study of the Belt and Road Initiative (National Assessment Report: Myanmar)2018
About the Study
One belt One Road (OBOR) is the combination of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st century Maritime Silk Road also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Policy and Advisory Technical Assistance (TA) Study of the Belt and Road Initiative was designed to support the Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council's knowledge work on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) –in particular, exploring linkages with existing regional cooperation and integration initiatives and facilitating regional policy dialogue with mainland countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) and Malaysia.
Myanmar is involved in two of the six economic corridors under China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The Bangladesh- China- India- Myanmar corridor is a multi-modal corridor made up of both land routes mainly via the Kolkata and Kunming (K2K) highway. Therefore, MMRD participate as national consultant as one of the selected mainland Southeast Asian countries to prepare country specific research papers. The research paper covers the following:
- Introduction and initial condition with Myanmar national economy overview
- Review of national cooperation initiative
- Five selected case studies for BRI
- Evaluation with assessment indicators for selected five projects under BRI
- Stakeholders engagement
- Opportunities, potential risks, and recommendation
- Desk research- Secondary data, literature review, field reports and previous projects
- Survey – Surveys and consultations with key stakeholders from the public and private sectors, civil society organizations, and local communities, to identify local concerns and opportunities for effective implementation of BRI-linked investments.
- Face to face interview- Government officials of related departments and officials of business associations
Study Report – Study of Pharmaceutical Market in Myanmar
About the Study
A major distributor of pharmaceutical products wants to understand the overview of pharmaceutical market in Myanmar based on the classification mentioned in the British National Formulary (BNF 62). Also, the client wants to focus on the Skin (Dermatology) group and Obstetrics, gynaecology, and urinary-tract disorders products in detail. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the following:
- Overview of pharmaceutical market in Myanmar o The status of the pharmaceutical industry development
- Study of Skin Products (Dermatological products) market in Myanmar
- Study of market for Obstetrics, gynaecology, and urinary-tract disorders products in Myanmar
o The basic characters of pharmaceutical industry
o The developing status of drug products
o Outlook for the Myanmar pharmaceutical industry development in future
o The competitive strategies for the main manufacturers
- Desk research – Collection secondary data from various sources and previous data
- Key Informant interviews (KIIs) – Government policy and medical statistics, import statistics of drugs were collected by interviewing departmental concerns and officials of associations.
- Specialist interviews – In order to collect preference on selected drugs and their opinion, specialists were interviewed for skin and OG/UTD in Yangon and Mandalay.
Study Report - Study of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Market in Myanmar 2014
About the Study
Client would like to know the current Calcium Carbonate market size with trends and segments in Myanmar as well as the market situation of Calcium Carbonate. Client also would like to understand the customer and supply system, to assess the domestic producers and main competitors, potential customers, market opportunities and challenges. Therefore, MMRD study the following to fulfil the client’s need:
- Macroeconomic condition and key industry overview in Myanmar
- Overview of key industries for calcium Carbonate with current market size, production, import and players
- Overall market information of Calcium Carbonate
- Domestic production and import statistics of Calcium Carbonate
- Key players and market potential
- Segment analysis
- Desk research – Collection secondary data from various sources and previous data
- Key Informant interview (KII) – Key informant interviews with industry experts
- B2B interview – Interview with producers, importers and users of Calcium Carbonate
Study Report – Study of Coating Market in Myanmar, 2019
About the Study
Client is a global supplier of paints, coatings, optical products, specialty materials, chemicals, glass and fiber glass. Client wants to understand market situation of coating market in Myanmar. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the following:
- Economic overview and outlook of Myanmar
- Industrial Coating trend in market growth and size
- Refinish industrial coating trend with market growth and size
- Protective and marine coating trend with market growth and size
- Packaging coating market situation
- Future forecast, key findings and recommendation
- Desk research – Collection of secondary data from various sources
- Key informant interviews with industry experts
- B2B Interview – Interview with key players and distributors and users
Study Report - Market Overview of Rapid Test Kits in Selected Townships 2018
About the Study
Rapid test kits are designed for use where a preliminary screening test result is required and are especially useful in resource-limited settings. Client wanted to understand market situation of rapid test kit for human deceases such as Hepatitis B & C, HIV, Malaria and UCG. To fulfill client’s need and requirement, MMRD studied the following:
- Current market situation of rapid test kits
- Market potential of rapid test kits
- Policy implications
- Desk Research – Collect the secondary data from various sources
- BSB and consumer interview – B2B interview with distributors and pharmacies that selling medical equipment and test kit users
- Observation – Observation on rapid test kit market in main pharmaceutical market
Study Report - Study of Study of Car Battery in Yangon 2018
About the Study
Client would like to understand where its car battery stands in the market – its brand awareness and perception by both retailers and car owners/end users of automotive batteries, would like to understand consumer behaviour and perception, to evaluate brand equity to gain more competitive advantages, and to attract potential customers segment.
To fulfil client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the following:- Consumer behaviour and perception
- Focus Group Discussion to know opinion and usage of consumers
- Consumer and Supplier Survey (Quantitative Study) - Secondary data collection from various sources
- Focus Group Discussion with consumers (Qualitative Study) - Four focus groups (2 groups for Consumers)
- F2F interview by using quota sampling
- Samples-100 car owner/user and 30 battery shops
- FGD consisting of 6-8 participants.
Study of Economic Corridor in Myanmar, ADB, 2017
About the Study
Conducting economic corridor survey was to provide data and information on industrial and transportation linkages for possible domestic economic corridors and to support in developing a master plan for the social and economic advancement strategies of the selected corridors. By taking economic corridor based approach, it is expected to have comprehensive development vision for Myanmar in a broad range covering (1) development vision of macroeconomics and different economic/socio-economic related sectors, and (2) development vision of different States and Regions of Myanmar.
MMRD participated as a national consultant and the strategic paper focus to explore the possible economic corridors in Myanmar and assess the benefits of these corridors to the country’s economy especially development of infrastructure, trade, and investment in the future. The economic corridor study paper covers the following four possible corridors and extension of these corridors.
(a) North-South Corridor- The main corridor will be Yangon-Mandalay route which connects growth pole (Yangon) and growth centre (Mandalay).
(b) East-West Corridor- Tachileik-Kyaing Ton-Taunggyi-Meiktila- Pakokku-Gangaw- India border (Reed) route that could be one of the major routes of Myanmar.
(c) Right Sash Corridor (Northeast-Southwest Corridor) - This connects Muse in the north to Kyaukpyu in the south through Mandalay.
(d) Left Sash Corridor (Southeast-Northwest Corridor) -Myawaddy-Hpa-an-Mandalay-Monywa- Kalay and Tamu routes which is tripartite route that links Thailand and India through Myanmar.
- Desk research- Secondary data, literature review, field reports and previous projects
- Face to face interview- Government officials of related departments and officials of business associations
- In-depth interview and observations- Selected key players such as Township leader, producers/ processors, trader, transportation/ Logistic service providers and industrial experts.
Garment Workers in PERI urban areas, Yangon, Myanmar 2018
About the Study
In Myanmar, the garment industry contributes to 31% of all manufacturing jobs, and employs a workforce about 300,000 and 90% of whom are young women. Therefore, client would like to assess the status and influencing factors to food security of young women engaged in garment work in peri urban communities in Yangon, Myanmar and asked MMRD to conduct survey for making assessment to the food security and livelihood situation among young women, identifying the risk factors of food insecurity and poor nutrition among young women. To fulfil the client’s need and requirements, MMRD conducted survey to collect following information:
- Nutrition of young women: o Employment situation
- Condition of Factory they are working at: o Condition related to lunch and tea breaks
o Food expenditure
o Food Consumption Score and food consumed away
o Women Diet Diversity
o Food insecurity access scale
o Food provisioning
o Impact of work on food purchase, preparation and consumption
o Living condition
o Canteen and food options
o Facility (AC, WASH, childcare, doctor, etc.)
o Issues and potentials for changes
o A walking food map
- Desk research - Collection secondary data
- 500 interviews with young women garment workers
- 100 Key informant interviews with factory managers and restaurant owners
Market study of Blood Pressure Monitor (BPM) & BGM Blood Glucose Monitor (BGM) in Myanmar - 2016
About the Study
Client wants to understand the market situation of Blood Glucose Monitor (BGM) and Blood Pressure Monitor (BPM) in Myanmar. Therefore, client asked MMRD to identify the market demand, to assess competitor analysis, and to provide information to understand the consumer behaviour. To fulfil client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the following:
Market potential for Adaptive Learning Software
- Blood Pressure Monitor (BPM) and Blood Glucose Monitor (BGM) o Market information of BPM and BGM
- Consumer Survey on BGM o Patient profile (from selected areas)
o Market size of BPM and BGM
o Future market trend for next 5 years
o Market share by distribution Channel
o Competitor analysis
o Diagnosis and treatment
o Buying behaviour
The study took place in Yangon, Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw, Magwe, Taunggyi and Pathein. It involved 150 B2B respondents for BPM & BGM Market Study and 160 respondents for consumer survey:
- Desk research - Collection secondary data
- B2B interview: Interview with key players (importers, distributors and retailers) of Blood Pressure Monitor & Blood Glucose Monitor by using semi-structured interview guideline
- Consumer survey: Interview with consumers (Hospitals, clinics and individual consumers) of Blood Pressure Monitor & Blood Glucose Monitor by using semi-structured interview guideline
Study of Market Potential of Adaptive Learning Software for K-12 students in Yangon - 2018
About the Study
Adaptive learning, also known as adaptive teaching, is an educational method which uses computer to interaction with the learner and deliver customized resources and learning activities to address the unique needs of each learner. Computers adapt the presentation of educational material according to students' learning needs, as indicated by their responses to questions, tasks and experiences. The technology encompasses aspects derived from various fields of study. It has been partially driven by a realization that tailored learning cannot be achieved on a large-scale using traditional, non-adaptive approaches. They have been designed as desktop computer applications, web applications, and are now being introduced into overall curricula. Client wants to understand the market potential of adaptive learning software and of adaptive learning center. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the followings:
Market potential for Adaptive Learning Software
- Assessing Market Landscape
- Competitor landscape
- Customers Usage and Attitude on Adaptive Learning Software
- Factors influencing the use of Online Adaptive Learning
- SWOT Analysis on Adaptive Learning Software
- Market potential for Adaptive Learning Software
- Validity test & Reliability test
Market potential for Adaptive Learning Center
- Current Market Situation, Competitor Analysis, Customer overview
- Potential customers (students/parents) for new Adaptive Learning Center
- Comparison on location of learning centers
- Analysis by Porter 5 forces Model
- Market potential for new adaptive learning center
- Suggestion and recommendation
The study took place in Yangon and it involved a total of 35 B2B interviews and 300 B2C (students/parents) interviews:
- Desk research on government statistics and information from various sources
- B2B interviews
- B2C interview with students who attending at high school level, and with parents of students who attending at primary and middle school level
Study Report - Market Analysis of Switchgear in Myanmar – 2014/2019
About the Study
The country’s developing infrastructure across various sectors including residential, industrial, commercial and communication has been the prime factor that has resulted growth in the demand for switchgears in Myanmar. Switchgear market can be segregated into 3 categories on the basis of voltage, including low voltage switchgears, medium voltage switchgears and high voltage switchgears. Low voltage switchgears has been largely attributed to increased urbanization, construction of new residential households and commercial areas taking place in Myanmar.
Knowing its potential, our client wants to understand market analysis of switchgear. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the followings:
- Situation of switchgear in the market
- Market size and share
- Domestic production of switchgear in Myanmar (if any)
- Import statistics
- Distribution Systems
- Market potential in next 3 year
The study took place in Yangon. It involved a total of 15 respondents including government officials and associations, producer and distributors/importers.
- Desk research on government statistics and information from various sources
- Key informant interviews with government officials and industry experts
- B2B interviews with producers, key distributor/importers
Consumer Usage & Perception on International School Services and Boarding Services - 2018
About the Study
Myanmar’s education market is in a vigorous booming at international education providers as Myanmar parents seek a pathway to a reputable foreign university for their children.
According to the market potential of boarding accommodation, our client, a top British international school, wants to understand the market potential of international school and boarding options to support housings for students to stay long term at its campus.
For the purpose of understanding the potential consumers of international school services and weekly & long-term boarding services, MMRD studied the followings; -
- Consumer profile of potential customers for both services
- Consumer usage & perception on international schools
- Consumer usage & perception on boarding services of international schools
The preparation of the report involved; -
- Desk research on government statistics and information from various sources
- Face to face interview with 60 parents of under 10-18 years old students who live in Yangon
- Face to face interview with 120 parents of under 10-18 years old students who live in other top 4 cities including Mandalay, Taunggyi, Mawlamyine and Nay Pyi Taw (30 each city)
- Snow balling sampling method was used
Study Report - Study of Myanmar Cold Chain Sector - 2018
About the Study
As part of the research project for policy recommendations to ASEAN countries on realization of higher value added of agricultural products, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) asked MMRD Business Insight to conduct an assessment study on Myanmar Cold Chain Sector with a focus on the following points:
- Current situation of cold chain in Myanmar
- Issues and challenges of cold chain
- Government policy to support its development
- The mid-term prospect of cold chain
The study answers the following questions:
- How is the demand for cold chain in the nation and/or the selected city?
- How are the government policies on the cold chain in the nation and/or the selected city?
- How are the activities of the main players of cold chain in the selected city?
The study for cold chain in Myanmar is carried out in 2018. In order to portray the whole cold chain landscape, desk research and interview with various stakeholders including associations, logistics service providers and users are conducted. Expert and in-depth interviews are conducted with pivotal associations that have direct contact with cold chain.
The study takes place in Yangon, Mandalay/Pyin Oo Lwin, Muse and Ayeyawaddy. The main routes covered are Ayeyawaddy – Yangon and Yangon – Mandalay/ Pyin Oo Lwin – Muse. -
Study Report - Study of Finance and Microfinance Sector - 2016
About the Study
Client wants to understand Myanmar finance and micro finance sector: market demand, operations and market potential. Therefore, client asked MMRD to conduct a study on Market overview of financial service sector and market trend in Myanmar survey and analysis. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the following:
Local and foreign finance companies- Local finance company
- Current offices & premise
- Current finance products and market focus
- Products interest rate and repayment term
- Approval requirements and process
And local and foreign micro-finance companies, online payment companies, mobile payment companies, and others financial company using technology to offer a service or product- Paid up capital
- Current offices & premise
- Current finance products and market focus
- Zoom down to products interest rate and repayment term
- Zoom down to approval requirements and process
The study took place in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw. It involved 36 respondents; 2 KIIs and 34 business interviews:
- Desk research on government statistics and secondary data from various sources
- Key informant interviews with Central Bank and Ministry of Planning and Finance
- Business interviews with selected finance and microfinance companies
Study Report - Study of LPG Market in Myanmar - 2018
About the Study
Previously in Myanmar, LPG was solely distributed by Myanmar Petrochemical Enterprise (MPE) and illegally imported from neighbouring country especially Thailand to fulfill the need of domestic market. Although the Ministry of Energy produced and distributed LPG through five refineries under the Myanmar Petrochemical Enterprise to local consumers, the production of LPG decreased afterwards causing LPG shortages. Thus, private companies started importing LPG illegally through the borders. Licenses were granted to 8 companies to legally import, store, and distribute LPG while MPE continues to distribute LPG in 2014 and continuously allow more companies in 2015. Client wants to assess the updated LPG market situation in Myanmar. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the followings:
- Market size
- LPG supply in Myanmar
- LPG Pricing mechanism
- Assessing future market demand
The study took place in Yangon, Mandalay, Nay Pyi Taw and Myawaddy. The study included 7 official interviews, and 35 B2B interviews.
- Desk research on government statistics and information from various sources
- Key informant interviews with key informant interviews with industry experts and government officials, such as Myanmar Petrochemical Enterprise, Ministry of Commerce and Customs Department.
- B2B interviews with key players such as LPG filling station at border area and LPG importers, and distributors and retailers.
Study Report - Study of LPG Market in Myanmar - 2019
About the Study
LPG is expected to replace the use of electricity, firewood and charcoal as a fuel for household cooking, which will help to conserve power as well as the environment across the country. The government plans to reduce usage of biomass which is 76% of total fuel consumption in Myanmar now to 40% in 2030.
This will be beneficial to residents in rural areas, who do not have access to electricity. However, available supply is currently not enough to meet demand from the industrial, commercial and household sectors. It is expected to grow as there are now more hotels, restaurants and other businesses that require LPG. Client has a plan to expand their market to Myanmar and wants to understand current LPG market in Myanmar. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the followings:
- Market size and market share
- LPG supply in Myanmar
- Current market situation of LPG
- LPG Pricing mechanism
- Competitor analysis
- Future market demand
- Potential market area
- Government policy and regulation
The study took place in Yangon, Mandalay, Naypyitaw, Taunggyi and Pyay for market demand, whilst it was in Myawaddy for border import from Thailand. Qualitative approach was applied and it involved a total of 63 interviews; 6 KIIs and 57 B2B interviews:- Desk research on government statistics and information from various sources
- Key informant interviews with industry experts and government officials
- B2B business interview with key players such as LPG filling station at border area and LPG importers, LPG Distributors and retailers
Study Report - Study of Health Tourism in Myanmar - 2012
About the Study
Medical tourism (also called medical travel, health tourism or global healthcare) is a term initially joined by travel agencies and the mass media to describe the rapidly-growing practice of travelling across international borders to obtain health care. It also refers pejoratively to the practice of healthcare providers travelling internationally to deliver healthcare. Factors that have led to the increasing popularity of medical travel include the high cost of health care, long wait times for certain procedures, the ease and affordability of international travel, and improvements in both technology and standards of care in many countries. Patients from well-to do families are referred by doctors/ hospitals / referrals and they travel for medical treatment and check-up. Some patients from Myanmar travel to Thailand, Singapore and India for medical purpose.
The study objective is to understand the overview of health tourism market in Myanmar and to explore the potential for expanding health tourism to their country. According to client’s needs, MMRD studied the following:
- Overview of health tourism market
- Competitors' analysis
- Consumer behaviour on health tourism
- Strategy for developing health tourism
The study took place in three major cities of Myanmar; Yangon, Mandalay and Taunggyi cities. It involved a total of 47 respondents (who went abroad for medical treatment), using purposive sampling.
- Desk research on government statistics and information from various sources.
- Business interviews with key players of health tourism market and potential customers, including representatives, hospitals & clinics, agents, and patients.
Study Report - Study on Myanmar Energy Mix (especially Focused on Power Sector) - 2016
About the Study
Energy mix refers to final energy consumption in Myanmar breaks down by various energy sources. It will include fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and coal), waste and the many types of new and renewable energy. These primary energy sources are used to generate electricity, provide fuel for transportation, cooking and heating in residential and industrials.
Knowing this market potential, our client wants to understand and conduct the study on Energy Mix of Myanmar especially focused on power sector. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the followings:
- Energy policy in Myanmar and New Government initiative including Energy Master Plan (ADB) , Electricity Master Plan (JICA) and World Bank energy project reports
- Current situation and New Government’s Policy on Energy Mix
- Current situation and New Government’s Policy on Energy Mix
- Downstream sector of Oil & Gas and Coal in energy mix
- Pros. and Cons. of the above Energy Mix
- Governmental Organization and private sector to realize Energy Mix
- Potential Scenarios of Energy Mix
The study took place in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon. The study is conducted with official interviews and business interviews:
- Desk research on government statistics and secondary data from various sources
- Official interviews with related ministry and departments (Ministry of Electricity and Energy and Department of Rural Development), Energy committee of the Parliament, and Energy experts
- Business interviews with private JV companies of related departments and local/foreign companies
Study Report - Study of Fuel Market (Gasoline and Diesel) in Myanmar - 2016
About the Study
Domestic production of fuel alone was sufficient enough for local consumption of gasoline before 2011. As old car substitution programme and individual import permit for automobiles has been allowed since 2011, the demand of fuel are increasing significantly along with the increased number of imported cars and that makes domestic production as well as fuel import to fulfil the local needs. The permit allowed to import vehicles and fuel, and privatization of State owned fuel stations started from the late 2011 lead to the rapid growth of domestic fuel market and create more opportunities for business.
Knowing this potential, our client wants to explore the market opportunities for fuel distribution in Myanmar, focusing on octane and diesel. To fulfil our client’s needs and requirements, MMRD studied the followings:
- Fuel market in Myanmar in 2015
- Demand overview (Retail channel)
- Demand overview (business sector) (Mining, fishery, construction, manufacturing and others)
- Future market demand
- Finding & recommendation
The study took place in Yangon, Mandalay, Bago, Pathein, Magwe, Meikhtilar and Monywa. It involved a total of 6 KIIs and 70 B2B interviews (retail interviews and business sector interviews):
- Desk research on government statistics and information from various sources
- Key informant interviews with industry experts, government officials and fuel association
- B2B interviews with key players in fuel market, fuel stations (retail shops) and business sectors
Study Report - Study of Fuel Consumption of Business Sector in Myanmar - 2014
About the Study
To understand fuel consumption of business sector in Myanmar, client asked MMRD to conduct a market study on the sector covering the following scope:
Fuel Consumption- Market size of fuel in Myanmar (diesel, gasoline, heavy grade fuel etc.)
- Market trends in past 5 years
- Demand forecast for next 5 years
- Fuel consumption by sector (Mining, Forestry, fishery, oil and gas, construction, electrical power supply, manufacturing) o Fuel consumption by type, procurement system/purchasing behaviour, price/budget, payment term and storage system
- Fuel demand in retail market (Fuel stations) o Fuel sales by type, procurement system/purchasing behaviour, price, storage capacity
- Market opportunities o B2B opportunities by sector (Mining, Forestry, fishery, oil and gas, construction, electrical power supply, manufacturing) o Retail market (Fuel stations) especially for transportation Lubricant Consumption
- Market size of Lubricant in Myanmar
- Market trends in past 5 years
- Demand forecast for next 5 years
- Lubricant consumption by sector (Mining, Forestry, fishery, oil and gas, construction, electrical power supply, manufacturing) o Lubricant consumption by type, procurement system/purchasing behaviour, price/budget, payment term and storage system
- Market opportunities o B2B opportunities by sector (Mining, Forestry, fishery, oil and gas, construction, electrical power supply, manufacturing)
The study took place in 10 major cities of Myanmar; Yangon, Mandalay, Naypyitaw, Bago, Taunggyi, Lashio, Mawlamyine, Pathein, Monywa and Magwe. It involved a total of 257 samples; 200 B2B interviews and 57 retail market interviews with fuel stations:
- Desk research on government statistics and information from various sources
- Key informant interviews with industry experts and government and association officials
- B2B interviews with business user (Mining, Forestry, fishery, oil and gas, construction, electrical power supply, manufacturing)
Study Report - Demand Analysis on Complex Project in Mandalay–2018
Study Report - Demand Analysis on Complex Project in Mandalay – 2018 (in Construction Tab)
About the Study Mandalay Region has been the second most developed part of Myanmar due to physical and transport infrastructures, dense population and economies of scales compared to other parts of Myanmar. Mandalay is considered as high potential due to its central location, being second biggest city and border trade linkage with China and India.
Our client, a leading construction company and developer in Mandalay, has a plan to develop Complex Project in Mandalay and it will include condominium, office tower, supermarket and apartment. The client wants to understand demand on New Complex in Mandalay to assess the market potential by property type.
In order to assess market potential, market demand, and consumer perception & attitude, MMRD studied the followings; -
- Current situation of real estate market in Mandalay
- Perception and attitude of potential office tower customers
- Perception and attitude of potential supermarket customers
- Perception and attitude of potential condominium customers
- SWOT analysis on new complex project
The study involved; -
- B2B interview with potential customers (companies) of office tower and potential customers of modern retail spaces (Anchor Tenants/ modern retail business owners)
- B2C interview with potential household consumers who are interested to invest or buy residential properties (condominium and apartments) at New Complex
- Interview with real estate agents and brokers who know well about real estate market conditions in Mandalay
The Data Collection Survey Assistance for Development Planning in Taninthayi Region and Dawei SEZ
The Data Collection Survey Assistance for Development Planning in Taninthayi Region and Dawei SEZ
Main objective of the study is to comprehend real situation of industrial location and active condition (challenges and opportunities) to describe scenario of industry development in Taninthayi Region. There are limited comprehensive studies and economic census has not been done in Taninthayi Region. So, the Data Collection Survey Assistance is consigned to elaborate scenario of industry development based on structural interviews and data collecting by this project effectively.
To understand current industrial condition and explore potential for future industries of Taninthayi Region, data collection from related departments and associations as key informant interviews (KIIs) and business interviews (B2Bs) were conducted in the study. The study was conducted in Dawei, Myeik and Kaw Thaung District.
MMRD undertook Secondary Data Collection (desk research) in identifying possible industries for development. Desk research provided initial data and information for primary data collection such as major products and business listing in Taninthayi Region. MMRD and JICA developed survey planning report together with survey design, methodology, and schedule and questionnaires/interview guidelines.
MMRD conducted Primary Data Collection (field research) for industry overview and analysis of each sector issues (product, processing, trading, supply chain , and cost structure, human development, technology development, Land use, financing, environment, other special issues about each sector as necessary. Cross-sector analysis was made from the selected sectors.
The study was focused on the main 6 sectors in Thaninhayi Region.
- Agriculture
- Fishery
- Mining
- Forest and Timber
- Tourism
- Manufacturing
Feasibility of Construction Equipment Rental Business in Myanmar
Study Report – Feasibility Study for Construction Equipment Rental Business in Myanmar – February 2018
Our Client
A large corporation engaged in a wide range of businesses globally, including buying, selling, importing/exporting goods, and manufacturing. Our client wants to understand the construction equipment rental business in Myanmar. We conducted the following research for our client.
- Forecast on GDP and construction sector contribution
- Construction market size in Myanmar in 2016 and 2017
- Construction market size and market share by area and segment in 2017
- Demand forecast for construction equipment rental business
- Brand share by equipment type
- Current rental price by equipment type
- Potential customers of construction market
- Typical rental system of construction companies
- Key success factors on construction equipment rental business
The preparation of the report involved
- In-depth interview with rental businesses
- In-depth interview with largest construction companies in Myanmar including foreign companies Desk research
- Field visit and reports
Context and challenges
Majority of construction companies in Yangon were conducting residential projects. There were very few foreign construction companies and majority of them either assign sub-contract after winning tender or merely rent construction equipment. In the case of assessing the rental market, there were significant differences relating rental price between local companies and foreign companies. As well, there were differences between rental price per equipment type and size. MMRD Business Insight team was able to draw from past experiences to comply and successfully capture all the requirements of the client within tight schedule.
Study of Consumer Perception and Attitude on Commercial Complex in Mandalay
Study report: Consumer Perception and Attitude on Commercial Complex in Mandalay - September 2017
About the client
Our client – a developer – was considering developing Commercial Complex in Mandalay and it will include residential, retail, wholesale centre and other commercial building. The study covered following scope:
- Socio-economic condition and business development of Mandalay Region
- Socio-economic condition of Mandalay District (7 townships)
- Mandalay city development plan
- Business sector development plan in Mandalay
- Consumer Structure and Consumer Behaviour and Perception (business & RE market)
- Consumer Behaviour and Perception of Express Passenger
- Consumer Behaviour and Perception of Local Civilian
The preparation of the report involved:
- Official interview with related ministries and departments
- B2B interview with 400 potential business consumers
- B2C interview with 500 express passengers who travelling with highway express buses
- Interview with 540 household consumers who live in Mandalay City
- Desk research
Context and challenges
Real estate market in Mandalay was slowdown at the period.
In Mandalay, the demand was less than the supply as people made less investment in lands and buildings than the previous year because of the high tax (30% for commercial tax and income tax, 7% stamp duty. However, the value of the lands are not much declined though the RE market was quite cold.
Real estate agents had some difficulties with the tax payment system. Government will probably make some changes to the land taxation system. So, it was expected that government policy is acting positively for RE agent's business scope.
Myanmar: Analysis of Farm Production Economics
2013-14 survey
In 2013/14, the World Bank financed the study “Myanmar: Analysis of Farm Production Economics”. That baseline study was conducted from 1,730 farm households in Ayeyarwaddy, Bago, Sagaing Regions and Shan State, targeting selected crops produced (i.e. rice, beans & pulses, oil seeds, and maize).
The survey was conducted by MMRD in two phases, covering monsoon harvest and summer harvest.
2017-18 survey
The World Bank and the LIFT awarded MMRD for a repeat of the 2013/14 baseline study, seeking to visit the same villages and collect data for the monsoon and dry seasons of 2017/18.
To provide a basis for public policy decisions and allow for the prioritization of different types of investments and policy interventions in agriculture sector in terms of inputs, agri mechanization, labour usage and productivity.
More detail: -
Kayah Investment Opportunity Survey
In invitation of Kayah State government and the Kayah Investment Committee, s MMRD Business Insight conducted Kayah State Investment Opportunity Survey in February - March 2018 and supports the Kayah State Investment Forum. Kayah State Investment Opportunity Survey Reports English and Myanmar were distributed at the forum.
The Kayah State Investment Forum was attended by more than 500 participants, including Chief Minister of Kayah State, Deputy Minister for Planning and Finance and cabinet ministers of Kayah State Government, Ambassadors, senior officials from relevant ministries, representatives from private sector associations and foreign and local businessmen.
Kayin Investment Fair
MMRD conducted Investment Opportunity Survey in Kayin State in 2017. Kayin State Investment Fair was held on on 24th November 2017 in Hpa-An, Kayin State co-organized by Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Kayin State Government and Myanmar Marketing Research and Development(MMRD).
The aims of the Kayin State Investment Fair are to promote investment in Kayin State and realize untapped opportunities for the local and foreign investors and to enhance linkages between State local business and foreign investors. Over 730 people attended, including Union Minister of Planning and Finance, Chief Ministers of Kayin, Kayah, Chin State, Bago and Magwe Region, Ambassadors, senior official from relevant ministries representatives from private sector associations and foreign and local businessmen.
Study of Cement Market
Study Report: Cement Market in Myanmar January 2016
About the Study
Understanding the current situation and future potential of the cement market in Myanmar would allow local and international players in the industry to capitalize on the opportunities that exist by upgrading capabilities, providing superior services, and targeting key customers in markets with high potential. The study included the following: Cement market in Myanmar Cement Imports Local Production of cement Competitor Analysis Distribution Channel Future Market ProspectsReport Preparation
5 Key Informant Interviews with officials from government and associations B2B Interviews with Local Manufacturers (5 respondents) B2B Interviews with Importers (5 respondents) B2B Interviews with Distributors/Wholesalers (38 respondents) B2B Interviews with Retailers (35 respondents)Context and Challenges
Demand and preferences for cement distinctly varies according to geographic location based on product characteristics such as quality, price, brand, and production. In Upper Myanmar, locally produced cement brands are preferred. On the other hand, imported cement brands are preferred in Lower Myanmar. Brands that are capable of achieving the highest quality cement for the lowest prices are favored by intermediaries (distributors, wholesalers, and retailers) for distribution or resale. According to the interviews with respondents from over 10 cities, the biggest issue in Upper Myanmar is that the local production capacity is currently insufficient to meet the demands, which is the reason imported cement brands were able to establish a presence in the local cement market. For new brands that enter the market, brand loyalty and reluctance to purchase new brands will make it difficult to compete with established brands, however the new brands could remain competitive by providing high quality cement with fair pricing and promotion activities. -
Study of the Water piping and fitting systems
A high-end, European pipe producer with activities throughout Asia was looking at Myanmar as the potential next step for its international expansion. We explored the business opportunities in both the private and public sector, and provided recommendations for potential local distribution partners. -
Purchasing Managers' Index
Study Report: PMI Panel Survey January 2016
About the Study
The PMI Survey that is conducted by MMRD is the first ever panel survey in Myanmar, that covers the manufacturing sector in 5 cities across the country based on questionnaire responses from panels of senior purchasing executives or similar positions in over 400 companies. Questionnaires are completed in the second half of each month and the survey results are then processed by Markit’s economists. Respondents are asked to state whether business conditions for a number of variables have improved, deteriorated or stayed the same compared with the previous month. Reasons for any changes are also requested from respondents.Understanding PMI
Purchasing Managers™ Index (PMI) series are monthly economic surveys of carefully selected companies compiled by Markit®. They provide an advance signal of what is really happening in the private sector economy, by tracking variables such as output, new orders, employment and prices across key sectors. Purchasing Managers™ Index (PMI) surveys are key economic indicators for the world’s largest economies and emerging markets. Survey participants have FREE ACCESS to this valuable economic information, which aids business planning and supplier negotiations. Markit Economics conducts monthly surveys of carefully selected companies in the manufacturing, services, construction and retail sectors of 30 countries. The survey results produce data that track changes in variables such as output, new orders, stock levels, supplier performance, employment and prices. All of this information is freely available to participating companies.Why take part?
PMI surveys provide participants with a FREE source of credible, highly-regarded business intelligence. The timely information available to participants helps them to better understand underlying economic conditions and identify turning points in the economic cycle. This enables improved business planning and purchasing strategy.How to take part in PMI survey in Myanmar?
If you are interested in taking part in the PMI survey and registering your manufacturing company in the PMI Panel, please contact MMRD Business Insight for more information. -
Study of Truck Market
Study Report: Truck Market in Myanmar - December 2015
About the Client
The client is a major global players in the automobile industry and would like to understand more of the truck market in Myanmar in order to set up a workshop and a showroom that provides inspection, maintenance, and repair services for trucks. The client was particularly interested in:
- Current automobile population in Myanmar
- Truck population by size
- Fleet customer behavior on truck inspection, maintenance and repairs
- Methods for conducting inspection, maintenance and repairs
- Location of truck inspection, maintenance and repairs
- Regulations and restrictions relevant to truck imports and registration
About the Client
The preparation of the report involved
- 5 Official interviews with government officials
- B2B interviews with Fleet Customers (46 respondents)
- B2B interviews with Body & Paint Shops (4 respondents)
- Data collection for Fleet Customers (187 respondents)
- Data collection for Body Builders (53 respondents)
- Data collection for Tyre Shops (67 respondents)
Context and Challenges
The numbers of trucks have grown proportionately in relation with the growing number of the automobile population in the country. There is a growing number of truck fleet customers ever since the vehicle import restrictions were eased in 2011. Despite this, the inspection, maintenance, and repair services for trucks are underdeveloped in the country with fleet customers having to overcome difficulties that only exist in the local market such as the absence of genuine spare parts, proper repair machinery and equipment, and skilled mechanics. There is no database for the number of truck owners across the country and the criteria for trucks involved in a study further limited the eligibility of many truck owners. MMRD Business Insight applied a combination of primary and secondary data collection methods in order to obtain the relevant information. Accessibility to accurate sources of data and interviews, MMRD Business Insight was able to provide detailed, reliable, and up-to-date analysis that was able to help the client understand the true nature of the truck market and truck repair market in Myanmar. -
Tractor & Harvestor Market Study
Study on Finance and Microfinance Sector
Study Report: Border Trade Behaviors and Needs - January 2015
A foreign financial service provider commissioned us to study trade and payment behaviors at the Myanmar-Thai border areas. MMRD conducted a combined amount of over 70 official and business interviews with respondents from Myanmar and Thailand for this study.
About the Client
Our client is a prominent Financial Service Provider in Asia that is interested in providing products and services in Myanmar particularly in the border areas. The client requested to conduct:
- Customer value chain between Thai traders and Myanmar traders
- Current trade behavior by value chain
- Current payment patterns according to value chain
- Identify bank use, customer needs, pin point regarding international trade payment (SWIFT) and border trade payment (THB Settlement)
- Feasibility of financial products and services
The preparation of the report involved:
- Key informant interviews with 10 government institutions and associations such as Border Trade Post and Border Trade Chambers on the Myanmar side.
- Key informant interviews with 6 associations and banks such as the Federation of Thai Industry and various bank branches on the Thai side.
- In-depth interviews with 55 traders or companies that with and without a foreign exchange bank account for border transactions in order to understand behaviors, needs, and opinions of individuals involved in border trade.
- Desk research
Context and challenges
There is a difficultly in obtaining reliable and accurate public data, such as export data, in Myanmar. There is huge discrepancy between trade data from Myanmar and Thai side, especially related to the border trade. Furthermore, traders would tend to downplay the volume or value they trade to avoid income tax.
Estimating overall currency inflow and outflow of both countries is also challenging as most use illicit channels for business transactions. With lack or limited banking and trade services provided by Myanmar banks, gathering reliable information from financial institutions is inadequate. -
Study report: Yangon Lodging Supply and Demand in Yangon - December 2014
About the client
Our client – a group of Asian investors including a large publicly listed Asian conglomerate with interests ranging from Construction to the Hotel & Tourism industry – was considering investing in the hotel industry in Myanmar and start a hotel chain. Our client was first interested in assessing the hotel market in Yangon given the city’s role as the main hub for tourist and business travelers and requested the following information from us:
- General overview of Yangon: infrastructure, business centers, commercial and tourist districts, city expansion plan, etc.
- The travel industry in Myanmar and Yangon: number of arrivals, type of travelers, average length of stay, average spend per stay, etc.
- The current and future lodging supply in Yangon: hotels, serviced apartments, residential communities and condominiums
- The current and future lodging demand in Yangon
- Forecast models for lodging demand and supply
- Suitable hotel sites
- Legal framework for hotel investment
The preparation of the report involved:- In-depth interview with 14 respondents from business associations, ministries and local institutions such as Yangon City Development Committee
- A survey of 55 hotels and travel agents
- Site search and observation with the help of real-estate agents
- Desk research
Context and challenges
The Hotel & Tourism landscape has changed dramatically over the last few years in Myanmar and while everyone can see the increase of travelers, accurate data and information are scarce.
The local methodology used to count the number of travelers to Myanmar for instance differs from international standard practices. MMRD Business Insight crossed various data sources such as the number of arrivals at Yangon airport or the number of visitors at the Shwedagon Pagoda to get more accurate estimates.
The latest publicly available number of hotels rooms in Yangon was also out-of-date as many hotels have been built in the 12 months prior to the study. Our ability to get access to the right sources of data and to combine it with the information collected the interviews allowed MMRD Business Insight team to provide up-to-date and reliable estimates in order to build a 5 year Yangon lodging supply & demand forecast model.
In 2015 MMRD conducted Steel Market Overview Study, which included an assessment of market size, local production & import, perception on product quality, competitor analysis, price & distribution channel, market potential & future trends, recommendation on market penetration.
We interviewed several key informants and successfully finished the project in three weeks. -
In February 2015, MMRD Research services submitted the final report about the Fertilizer market in Myanmar.
About the client
With the agriculture sector accounting for 30% of the GDP and the government making it one of the pillars of its economic strategy, our client, a large Japanese conglomerate asked MMRD Business Insight to conduct an assessment of the fertilizer market with a focus on the following points:
- General overview of the agriculture sector in Myanmar and identify the most cultivated crops
- Market analysis of the fertilizer market
- Supply-chain of fertilizer in Myanmar
- Fertilizer consumption habits of farmers
The preparation of the report involved a nation-wide study to fully understand the fertilizer market and take into account local specificities. Our team conducted interviews in 7 of the largest farming regions and states of Myanmar over a period of two months.- In-depth interview with a dozen of respondents from farming associations, ministries and state-owned enterprises
- 68 interviews of the various participants of the supply chain of fertilizer, i.e. producers, importers, large distributors and retailers
- Site search and observation with the help of real estate agents
- 500 interviews with farmers
Context and challenges
The scale of the study, especially on the demand side of the fertilizer market, was one of the main challenges for our team. Over a period of two months we had to interview 500 farmers in 7 states and regions and ensure a good representation in our sample of the some of the most widely farmed crops, i.e. Paddy, Bean, Maize, Sugarcane and Sesame. A robust organization and a good coordination of our field staff were key to complete this study in time and to the satisfaction of our client.
Interviewing farmers and getting precise information about how they buy and use fertilizers as well as details about the economics of farming required the use of experienced interviewers with some knowledge of the sector. -
Study report: Broadband Internet Landscape in Myanmar - September 2015
About the client
The client is an Asian Telecom operator looking to start operations in Myanmar. Its technological approach differs from those of most of its competitors. The client was especially interested in obtaining the following insights:
- Current internet penetration and forecasts
- Current ISP market shares
- ISP subscriber profiles, preferences, current product and spending
- Non-subscribers profiles, preferences, current mobile internet spending, potential willingness to pay
- Competition analysis and market forecasts
- Market segment analysis
The preparation of the report involved:
- A survey for non-subscribers (310 respondents)
- A survey for ISP subscribers (171 respondents)
- A survey for business subscribers (107 respondents)
- 8 key stakeholder interviews including existing players, new entrants and government officials
- Desk research
Context and challenges
The internet market in Myanmar is peculiar and obtaining simple data such as internet penetration requires a specific approach:
- All internet access solutions are expensive in Myanmar: the introduction of cheaper offers, especially affordable data plans from the three main mobile operators MPT, Telenor and Ooredoo, has created a major catch-up effect. This means the penetration rate has changed at a very fast pace over the course of a few months. Obtaining the latest available data was challenging.
- Fixed-broadband connections accounts for a very small portion of all internet accesses in Myanmar: there are now more than 300 connected smartphones for every fixed-broadband connection. Traditional ways of assessing internet penetration are obsolete in Myanmar as they rely primarily on counting broadband connections and then making assumptions on household size, internet sharing etc.
- All preliminary results showed very significant local variations in responses, especially between highly populated cities and rural areas. The team was able to deploy a significant portion of its interviewers to rural areas.
As a partner of the 2015 Mandalay Investment Fair, MMRD (Myanmar Marketing Research and Development Co. Ltd.) conducted the Mandalay Investment Opportunity Survey and interviewed 42 business owners and 20 government officials and associations. This article is largely based on the findings of this survey along with other desk research.
Why would I want to do business in Mandalay?
Myanmar’s booming potential for the upcoming years has been established. After years of military rule and international trade sanctions, the country is now ready to fully achieve its growth potential. The best example is the recent launch of international telecom operators Telenor and Ooredoo: the two of them have sold close to 15 million SIM cards in the 10 months that followed their commercial introduction. That is 28% market penetration in less than a year. CEO of Telenor Myanmar Petter Furberg said results outsped all forecasts by a quarter.
Yet with a lot of focus being drawn to economic capital Yangon, why would local and foreign investors chose to turn to Mandalay?
Mandalay is Myanmar’s second city and third most populated region. It has a 12.4% annual GDP growth and its contribution to Myanmar’s economy is 11.4% (Yangon is at 22%). Its central location make it a strategic business hub for Southeast Asia: it has highway border linkages with China, India and Thailand. Mandalay International Airport has the highest capacity in Myanmar (3 million passengers a year). 41% business owners who set shop in the Mandalay region actually elected to do so because of its central location. Others said they did so for the availability of raw materials (27%) and the overall easiness to do trade (22%).
The Mandalay region is currently transitioning away from its agricultural past to industry and services. Between 2001 et 2011, the share of agriculture in terms of GDP contribution diminished by 28% while the share of industry and services rose by 38% and 11% respectively. In 2011, the split was the following:
- Agriculture: 30%
- Industry: 28%
- Services: 42%
Is it easy to work with local labor?
As in many countries which have yet to build a more competitive education system, the recruitment of middle managers and qualified workers can prove tricky. The Easiness of recruitment, the cost of labor and the quality of skilled workers all obtained average rating (2/4). The quality of middle management was assessed more generously with a rating of 2.3/4. Overall, the quality of Labor relations obtained a rating of 2.7/4.
Middle managers and skilled workers have become more mobile in the previous years; the consequence is that in terms of salaries, firms not only need to compete with other local firms, but also with neighboring countries.
How much do I have to pay for local labor?
Salaries, including allowances, remain low in Myanmar. The current minimum wage per day has been set at 3,600 MMK (about $2.8). Business owners declared paying the following monthly amounts:
- Semi-skilled workers: 110,000 to 165,000 MMK (average is about 130,000 MMK)
- Staff: 140,000 to 220,000 MMK (average is about 180,000 MMK)
- Supervisors: 180,000 to 260,000 MMK
- Mid-management: 325,000 to 440,000 MMK
- Engineers: 610,000 to 1,330,000 MMK
Is the local market ready?
Myanmar’s economic growth comes with a substantial increase in buying power for most Myanmar consumers. Domestic market size was deemed Fair to Good (2.8/4) by local businesses, and the Purchasing power of local consumers was rated 2.5/4.
The local network of suppliers is of satisfying quality and efficiency, with a 2.8/4 rating. However, difficulties arise when it comes to reaching out to international supplier (1.5/4).
A majority of respondents also actively support the creation of a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) as they believe it will effectively improve the investment environment with better infrastructure, faster procedures and more job opportunities.
Which sectors will expand the most?
According to our survey, the most promising sectors are Hotels and Tourism, Trading and Manufacturing.
What difficulties should I expect?
Poor infrastructures is the most often mentioned obstacle to doing business in Mandalay (39% say it is the biggest obstacle); when asked to rate the different infrastructures, business owners gave the most severe grades to Industrial estates (1.6/4), water (2/4) and internet (2.1/4). Other telecommunications (2.8/4) and electricity (2.7/4) fared better.
Another often ranked 1st obstacle (22%) is Government regulations and procedures. Although Business licensing and Intellectual property right protection obtained above-average ratings (2.4/4 and 2.3/4), Tax administration and Land regulation obtained 1.7/4 and 1.8/4 respectively.
In terms of macro economy and governance, the businesses opinion was often harsh with under-average grades assigned to macroeconomic stability (1.3/4), crime control (1.4/4) and corruption control (1.5/4). Government services as a whole score a score of 2/4. -
Study report: Feasibility Study for the Construction of a Container Port – January 2015 About the client
Our client – a large Asian conglomerate with operations in a wide range of industries – was considering setting up a new container port in one of the largest agricultural regions of Myanmar. We conducted the following research for our client:
- Macro overview of the region
- Overview of the rice and farming industries in the region
- Assessment of the volume of cargo going in and out the region with a focus on agriculture and manufacturing (for both input and output)
- Evaluation of the current logistic processes between this region and Yangon
- Evaluation of the current logistic costs and time
- Identify the potential benefits and constraints of a new container port vs the existing logistic systems
The preparation of the report involved:
- In-depth interview with 20 respondents from business associations such as the District Rice Industry Association, ministries and organizations such as the Inland Water Transport or the Myanma Railway
- In Depth interview with 85 business owners to better understand their needs and their challenges and to test the new container port concept
- Desk research
- Field visit and site evaluation
Context and challenges
Logistic is one of the greatest challenges companies are facing in Myanmar roads are in dire needs of repairs and moving goods from one place to another in extremely time consuming. According to a recent report by the World Bank, Yangon port is one of the most expensive in the world.
Assessing the real cost of logistic and supply chain is a challenge as Myanmar has many unwritten rules and hidden costs. MMRD Business Insight team joined forces with a local logistic consultant to carry out the pre-feasibility study.
MMRD Business Insight has built a large database of all the cars imported in Myanmar; the vehicles can be split by segment, body type, model year or new & used. The database is updated on a monthly basis and can be used by car manufacturers to compute market shares or identify market trends. -
In cooperation with the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in February 2017 MMRD Business Insights organized the Shan State Investment Fair. Over 450 people attended, including local business owners, foreign investors and government officials. -
June 2014 In 2013-14, MMRD supported the World Bank in the data collection process to publish the first ever Myanmar Enterprise Survey. Over the course of several months, our team interviewed ~1,400 businesses across the country. Conducted in many other countries and using a standardized methodology, the survey aims at studying the business climate. Given the recent social, political and economic changes, this first survey was of the utmost importance in Myanmar to nurture the dialog between the private sector and the government as well as identify the constraints for growth. MMRD Business Insight team conducted: • Over 500 interviews with companies with more than 5 employees • ~400 interview with micro enterprises of 1 to 4 employees • Close to 500 interviews with informal businesses (non-registered entities) Our team solicited the opinion of the managers of those companies, during face-to-face interviews. The sampling turned out to be challenging given the lack of readily-available data companies were distributed across different locations and broken down by industry and size (number of staff). MMRD advised on the best sampling method and used its two decades of expertise to conduct the project diligently. The result of the 2014 Myanmar Enterprise survey can be found on the International Finance Corporation’s website.
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